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Privacy Stories Workshop: Critical Approaches to Information Security and Critical Infrastructure

Undergraduate Summer Workshop, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, 2018

Description of the Program

The 2018 Privacy Stories Workshop was a summer school organized by Professor Leslie Reagan Shade for outstanding undergraduates with a topical interest in privacy topics including privacy policy, security and technology. During the summer camp, students were able to contribute to the scholarly and policy conversation in Canada surrounding digital privacy through exploring and developing creative digital privacy policy literacy resources. The research is situated within a collaborative SSHRC project, Opening the Door on Digital Privacy: Practices, Policies, & Pedagogies.

CCT 110 - Rhetoric and Media

Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto - Erindale Campus, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information & Technology, 2019

Duties include: Grading, Tutorial Facilitation, Writing Support Commendation: Recieved letter of excellence in teaching for achieving a 4.70/5 on student evaluations.

CCT212 - Hacker Culture

Instructor - Undergraduate Level Course, University of Toronto Mississauga, Erindale Campus, 2020

Duties include: Course development, lecturing, grading & assignment design