Privacy Stories Workshop: Critical Approaches to Information Security and Critical Infrastructure

Undergraduate Summer Workshop, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, 2018

Description of the Program

The 2018 Privacy Stories Workshop was a summer school organized by Professor Leslie Reagan Shade for outstanding undergraduates with a topical interest in privacy topics including privacy policy, security and technology. During the summer camp, students were able to contribute to the scholarly and policy conversation in Canada surrounding digital privacy through exploring and developing creative digital privacy policy literacy resources. The research is situated within a collaborative SSHRC project, Opening the Door on Digital Privacy: Practices, Policies, & Pedagogies.

Description of the Workshop

During the first half of this four hour workshop I provided students with an primer on the conceptual framework of information security (confidentiality, integrity, availability), critical infrastructure and the relationship between these topics and broader privacy related issues. Students were also introduced to a variety of privacy enhancing technologies including browser extensions, encrypted messaging platforms and two-factor authentication.

During the second half of the workshop students were supported in a policy analysis of the Ontario Energy Board’s 2017 “Ontario Cyber Security Framework” and presented group work analyzing critical infrastructure.